Programs & Services

Information & Assistance

Provides individuals with information requested and/or connects individuals to resources available within the Community. Information and assistance may be provided via Internet, in person, or over the phone.


Intervention with individuals initiated by an agency or organization for the purpose of identifying potential clients or their caregivers and encouraging their use of existing services and benefits.


Provides a means of transporting requesting senior individuals from one place to another. Participants are transported to grocery stores, doctor's appointments, pharmacy, nutrition centers, recreational events, and other places of need.

Assisted Transportation

Provides assistance and transportation.

Congregate Meals

Hot meals provided to qualified individuals in a congregate or group setting. The meat as served must meet all of the requirements of the Older Americans Act and state/local laws.

Home Delivered Meals

A meal provided to qualified individuals in his/her place of residence. The Meal is served in a program administered by the Area Agency on Aging and must Meet all requirements of the Older Americans Act and Stat/local laws.

Home Delivered Transportation

This unit of transportation may apply to meals of any type delivered to the participants residence from the senior center or other drop-off point.

Telephone Reassurance

Phoning an individual in order to provide comfort or help.

Material Aid

Aid in the form of goods or food, such as the direct distribution of commodities, surplus food, clothing, smoke detectors, eyeglasses, security devices, cots, mattresses, holiday baskets, etc.

Legal Assistance

Legal advice, counselling, and representation by an attorney or other person acting under the supervision or an attorney.

Senior Aides Program

This program is designed to foster and promote part-time training opportunities in community service activities for unemployed persons with low incomes who are 55 years of age and older. Senior enrollees are placed with host agencies (governmental, non-profit, non-partisan organizations) and are assigned to work 19-75 hours per week.